Design Ideas - Two

For the second design idea I produced, I stuck with the similar Pop Art style compilation. Instead this time combining it with the textural blending style of Dan Mountford, a graphic designer who mainly specializes in Photoshop pieces. To produce the piece I applied the Cutout filter individually to the separate photographs in Adobe Photoshop CS6, then I compiled them together in one document before adding separate rock textures to the characters. This was achieved using selection areas and layer masks, along with selective blending options. The entire premise of using the rock textures across the faces give an idea of the "hidden personality" I wanted to explore throughout the project. From the start I said I wanted to show people in their true light, "when the mask is off" and I feel this is a good way to portray that. For example these are two of my friends and I view their inner selves and personalities to be as "strong as rock" however nobody comes without their cracks and flaws which arguably make us human.

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