Artist Responses

Henri Cartier - Bresson Response
To embody the work and themes of Cartier - Bresson in own photography, I tried to take a medium shot with the focus being more on the people collectively rather than there being one person to solely focus on within the frame. Reflecting how Bresson structured his candid street photography.
Vivian Maier Response
There is one close up focal point which is reflective of the way Maier structured her work. Unlike Bresson she more commonly focused on one or two people in frame. I also edited both the Maier and Bresson response to be black and white in Photoshop CS6 because that's the way they did it in the old days.
Nick Turpin Response
To give a similar depiction of how Turpin structures his work I tried to take a medium shot but still be have a singular focal point, so the frame isn't cluttered with loads of things to focus on.

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